FAQ's Page

What do you do for the community?

Brides with Disabilities programs and many other non profit organizations; have built longstanding relationships with local health systems, schools, government agencies, churches and clergy, community service organizations and other partners. The Board members often sit on the governing boards of other local community organizations, and reciprocally, these same organizations are represented in each of our governance. This civic engagement and sharing of leadership, ideas and resources facilitates innovation and partnerships that are tailored to each community’s unique needs.

What Brides or Grooms do you help?

We help any bride or groom suffering from Autoimmune Diseases, Chronic illnesses or Cancer in Northern California. We provide FREE wedding planning services and Officiating at this time. In the future, Brides with Disabilities will have an all inclusive building that will be solely for our Dream Weddings for our Brides and Grooms. We look forward to having wedding attire, decorations, wedding props, venue and catering all in one place for our Dream Recipients on a rental basis so they can have the wedding they deserve at a very minimal cost..

What are Autoimmune Diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. A full list of Autoimmune Diseases can be seen here.

How did Brides with Disabilities come about?

Brides with Disabilities clearly sees that most wedding vendors, bridal stores, and venues are not equipped to be ADA Compliant and have not taken the time to learn how to alter their organization business locations to become ADA Complaint and training of staff to be more patient is crucial to help Brides and Grooms that are Disabled to have the wedding they deserve.

There are more than 100 autoimmune diseases. 50 million Americans have one or more autoimmune diseases. Approximately 75 percent of those affected are women. In addition, 130 million Americans suffer from Chronic Illnesses. 1.9 million Americans suffer with cancer every year. Brides with Disabilities Foundation plans to work with all Wedding vendors to change their ideology and train staffing how to help our clients. Be more patient with time, as many of our clients do not have the mobility, to move quickly and frankly may not be able to do so without support from staff. That may also mean rescheduling an appointment due to having a bad day. We will work diligently with vendors to accommodate our brides and grooms.

What is the role of Brides with Disabilities?

Brides with Disabilities offer a combination of services to support those dealing with autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses, or cancer including comprehensive, coordinated programs designed to meet the complex and multifaceted needs and goals of our clients and families in their communities. We will work with each couple to make sure their needs are met and they have the dream wedding they deserve! We provide FREE wedding planning & wedding officiating services at this time. In the future, other services will be added.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which normal cells become abnormal and grow uncontrollably causing death to the cell and effecting other cells surrounding the abnormal cells and they replicate causing havoc in the body and/or death To see a full list of cancers click here.

What are Chronic Illnesses?

Chronic illnesses is a long term health condition that does not have a cure and require ongoing medical attention and limit your activity or ability to enjoy life. Here is a full list of Chronic Illnesses.

What role does a Volunteer Have?

Volunteers are the Backbone of any Nonprofit. Volunteers help with fundraising, administrative tasks and operations, and they help spread the word about the mission of the organization. With Brides with Disabilities, we rely heavily on volunteers and you are crucial to our success. You will work closely with your vendor liaison and/or board member to help with our donations for bridal attire, wedding decorations and/or wedding props, venues, or fundraising.

Are Volunteers Paid?

California's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) provides that a volunteer is generally an individual who performs work for public service, humanitarian, or religious reasons without the expectation, promise, or receipt of compensation for their work. By definition, volunteering is unpaid work! Stipends may cover t-shirts, hats, or bags with our logo on them. Lunch may be available as well.

What does the Board Members do on Brides with Disabilities?

Board members do not receive a salary, but function as Ambassadors of Service in our Northern California community. Board members may receive reimbursement for pre-approved travel related expenses including transportation, hotels, or food with permission from the committee providing travel documentation of the expense and invoices. Some operational costs will be reimburses on a year to year basis pre-apporved by the board. Some of our roles are:

  • Approve Grant Writing policies, procedures, & funding policies

  • Advise and participate with communication and program decision making policies

  • Setting up Volunteer Groups & Committees, creating policies and guidelines

  • Reaching out to other community leaders, governments, non profits, health institutions, businesses, labor force, & communities of faith organizations to seek their participation and support of our programs and volunteer networking

  • Promote Community Service programs and events by representing our volunteers at venues.

  • Work with community leaders & business owners to be more ADA Compliant for Brides with Disabilities in working with our goals and set purpose of our organization.

  • Advise and make informed decisions on donation and volunteer software, websites, and other electronic means of communication.

  • Protect Assets & provide proper financial oversight

  • Ensure legal & ethical Integrity

  • Board members must meet our standards of conduct, which include the Duty of Care, Loyalty and Obedience.